Thursday 9 April 2009

Ei42 launch into United States of America

Important News For All British And Americans

Launch of Ei42 into United States of America!!

Ei42 "The Online Shopping Revolution" launched Stateside now giving us British a way of sharing with friends and family's living in the United States.

Now when you join Ei42 you have a United Kingdom Store and a United States store automatically and this works the same if your in the USA too.

Ei42 is doing great things here in the UK and has well over 50,000 active members in less than a year!

This sort of growth is good news, there is plenty of room
Stateside for you to join us. Spread the word of Ei42 in the USA and UK by telling your friends and family and gain your free cash back from shopping where you like and when you like.

Online sales are continuing to rise even with the global recession.

One set of statistics came from Nielsen Online [pdf], which puts web traffic under the microscope. Its report says that traffic to the top ten UK retail websites was up by 37% in the last quarter of 2008 compared to the previous year.

Fancy joining Ei42 at no cost what so ever?

Click Here

More Info

You got nothing to lose and maybe a lot to gain

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