Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Elonex ONE t New Operating System Software

Bewared this is not a Elonex upgrade it has been made by Linux programmer -

Matt O. - © 2009

3MX (RC 2)


A very powerful and complete distribution for your Little Linux Laptop!. 3MX replaces the normal Little Linux Laptop OS and is a very user-friendly operating system that comes with a LOT of pre-installed software such as: Firefox 3 web browser, VLC Media Player, Transmission, Medit (HTML editor), Dillo web browser, Wifi Stumbler (for finding of wireless hot spots), Pidgin chat, Xchat, games such as Barrage and Tux Puck, a Nintendo Gameboy emulator, different Wallpaper and menu icons, Htop (process monitor) , Abiword, etc etc etc..

DOWNLOAD the 3MX (RC 2) distro for your Little Linux Laptop now! - click to download - FILE IS ~168 MB!

Download location # 1: FILEFACTORY (US residents)

Download location # 2: MEGAUPLOAD (European residents)

Credits: Matt O. - © 2009 - Please read the disclaimer before installing or using this software

Monday, 2 March 2009

Ei42 The On-Line Shopping Revolution

Hi Readers,

I received an email from one of my fellow affiliates in march 2008 who sources similar opportunities to me and he told me of this site where he:

  1. Earns a cash back if he buys from this site
  2. Earns a cash back if anyone of his friends and family, create and buy from their own site
  3. Earns a cash back if anyone of his friends' friends create and buy from their own site

I thought the sort of retailers on this cash back site would be unheard of retailers. However I was wrong!

It has Ebay, PC World, Argos, Comet, Debenhams, HMV, I need to go on?

Then I thought the cash back might be rubbish. However again I was wrong.

You can earn a good percentage back off what you pay or they pay you a fee for buying a particular product or service.
You can open one of these shops i tell you no lie, it took me 30 seconds.

New in 2008 !!

The company's name is Ei42 they make payments to you in the form of BACS, PayPal or if you don't have a PayPal or a bank account receive your cheque in the post.

What's more they are a fresh new company with great ideas and plans for your future..

I really do suggest you take a good look around on my shop and join your self all the info you need will be there

follow this link

I am going to keep you posted on this matter